Burning gay flag

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Christ calls us to show love and respect to our neighbors.”įar from being deterred, Woodward, who is gay, decided to step up his Pride celebration. I realize that not all are accepting of our LGBTQ neighbors, but we should all be united in condemning this act. “The Pride flag is a symbol of love, of struggle, of sacrifice, by generations of our brothers and sisters. “While the monetary value of the flag is minimal, the symbolism of the act is immense,” she wrote. Traquair “condemn this act of hatred” and asked her diocese to pray for the person who did it. In an email to her diocese, Northern California Bishop Megan Traquair said the Sacramento Police Department is investigating.

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“It made me sad this morning to see that somebody wanted to take down what we think was a sign of love and burn it, but love isn’t that easily defeated,” Woodward told The Bee, his voice breaking with emotion.

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